Easily Connect Woocommerce To Google Data Studio

Easily Connect Woocommerce To Google Data Studio

Are you considering connecting your WooCommerce store to Google Data Studio to improve your data analysis?

With Google Data Studio, you can visualize WooCommerce data in an easy-to-understand manner. Connecting WooCommerce to Google Data Studio allows you to create custom reports and dashboards that give insights into your sales, customers, and inventory.

There are many benefits to using Google Data Studio with WooCommerce, including the ability to:

  • Visualize your data in new and insightful ways
  • Create custom reports and dashboards
  • Save time by automating reporting tasks
  • Share reports with others quickly and securely

If you’re not sure how to connect WooCommerce to Google Data Studio, don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step. We’ll also provide tips on effectively using WooCommerce with Google Data Studio.

What Is WooCommerce?

WooCommerce Overview

The WooCommerce plugin turns your WordPress website into an online store. The platform powers over 30% of all online stores, making it one of the most popular eCommerce platforms. Downloading and using WooCommerce is free and easy to set up and customize.

WooCommerce Benefits

WooCommerce has several benefits that make it an excellent choice for setting up an online store:

  1. It is free to download and use.
  2. It is easy to set up and customize.
  3. WooCommerce has a large community of users and developers who can provide support and add-ons.
  4. WooCommerce integrates with many other software platforms, making connecting your store to your existing systems easy.

WooCommerce Drawbacks

While WooCommerce has many advantages, there are some drawbacks that you should be aware of before using it for your online store:

  1. Because WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin, it requires a self-hosted WordPress website to work. You will have to pay for hosting and have technical skills to create and maintain your store.
  2. WooCommerce can be slow if not configured properly, which can frustrate customers trying to buy from your store.
  3. Because WooCommerce is so popular, it is often the target of hackers and malware attacks.

While there are ways to protect your store from these threats, they are something you should be aware of before using WooCommerce.

WooCommerce Key Features

WooCommerce has several features that make it a brilliant choice for setting up an online store:

  1. It offers built-in payment processing through PayPal or Stripe.
  2. The process of selling physical or digital products is easy.
  3. WooComerce offers shipping integration with major carriers such as UPS and FedEx.
  4. Using Plugins and themes, you can easily customize your store.
  5. WooCommerce has built-in support for many different languages.

What Is Google Data Studio?

Google Data Studio Overview

This web-based visualization and reporting tool turns user data into informative, easy-to-read reports and dashboards. Google Data Studio has many features that make it an ideal tool for businesses of all sizes, including connecting to multiple data sources, creating custom reports and dashboards, and sharing reports with others.

Google Data Studio Benefits

There are many benefits to using Google Data Studio, including the following:

1. Connect to multiple data sources: Google Data Studio allows you to connect to multiple data sources, including Google Sheets, BigQuery, and MySQL. These integrations make it easy to get all your data in one place to see the big picture.

2. Create custom reports and dashboards: With Data Studio, you can create custom reports and dashboards tailored to your specific needs. This level of customization means you can focus on the most critical data for your business’s success.

3. Share reports with others: Reports created in Data Studio can be easily shared, making it an excellent tool for collaboration. Additionally, you can allow others to view your report or edit it if you wish.

4. Easy-to-use interface: The interface of Data Studio is designed for ease of use, meaning anyone can quickly learn how to use the tool without any prior experience.

Google Data Studio Drawbacks

There are some disadvantages to using Data Studio, including the following:

1. Limited data sources: While Data Studio does allow you to connect to multiple data sources, the selection is limited compared to other reporting and data visualization tools.

2. No support for live data: Data Studio does not currently support live data, so exporting your data from its source is necessary before you can use it in Data Studio. The complexity and size of your data can make this process time-consuming.

3. No mobile app: There is currently no mobile app for Data Studio, meaning you will need to access it from a desktop or laptop computer.

Why Would You Want To Connect Woocommerce To Google Data Studio?

What Are The Benefits Of Connecting Woocommerce To Google Data Studio

There are many benefits of connecting your WooCommerce store to Google Data Studio. You can easily visualize your WooCommerce data with Data Studio and spot trends and patterns that you may not have noticed otherwise. Additionally, Data Studio makes it easy to share your data with others, so you can collaborate on analyzing your WooCommerce store’s performance. Finally, Data Studio offers a variety of customization options, so you can tailor your reports to fit your specific needs.

How To Connect Woocommerce To Google Data Studio

Step 1: Set Up Your Woocommerce Store

Creating a WooCommerce store is the first step in connecting it to Google Data Studio. Setting up and installing WooCommerce is straightforward. 

Once you set up your WooCommerce store, the next step is installing the Google Analytics plugin. This plugin will allow you to collect data from your WooCommerce store and send it to your Google Analytics account.

Step 2: Install The Google Analytics Plugin

The second step is to install the Google Analytics Plugin. This plugin will allow you to collect data from your WooCommerce store and send it to your Google Analytics account.

There are many ways to install the Google Analytics plugin, but we recommend using the WordPress Plugin Directory. First, log in to your WordPress site, navigate to the Plugins section, and search for “Google Analytics.” Once you’ve found the plugin, click “Install Now” and “Activate.”

Next, you’ll need to configure the plugin with your Google Analytics tracking code. You can find the tracking code in your Google Analytics account. In the next step, we discuss setting up a Google Analytics account. 

Step 3: Set Up Your Google Analytics Account

If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, now is a good time to set one up. Head over to the Google Analytics website and create a new account which is very easy. Follow the steps and sign up with your preferred Google account. 

Once you have a Google Analytics account, the next step is to create a new property for your WooCommerce store. To create a property, log in to your Google Analytics account and click “Admin” in the left-hand sidebar. Then, under “Property,” click “Create new property.”

On the next page, select “Website” as the type of property you want to create and enter a name for your property (e.g., My WooCommerce Store). Then click “Continue.”

On the next page, you’ll need to provide information about your website. Fill out this information and then click “Create.”

Once you create your property, you’ll be given a tracking code. Copy and paste this tracking code into your WordPress site’s Google Analytics plugin settings page.

Step 4: Install The Google Data Studio Plugin

Next is to install the Google Data Studio plugin. This plugin will allow you to connect your WooCommerce store to your Google Data Studio account.

You have some options for installing the Google Data Studio plugin, but we recommend using the WordPress Plugin Directory. To install Google Data Studio, log in to your WordPress site, navigate to the Plugins section, and search for “Google Data Studio.” Once you’ve found the plugin, click “Install Now” and “Activate.”

Once installed and activated, you’ll need to configure it with your Google Data Studio account details.

Step 5: Set Up Your Google Data Studio Account

You will need a Google Data Studio Account to perform this step. Signing up is simple; head to the Google Data Studio website and sign up for a new account. You will be taken straight to the Data Studio dashboard if you’ve already signed into Google.

Once you have a Google Data Studio account set up, the next step is to create a new data source for your WooCommerce store. To do this, log in to your Google Data Studio account and click “Create new data source.”

On the next page, select “WooCommerce” as the type of data source you want to create and enter a name for your data source (e.g., My WooCommerce Store). Then click “Connect.”

On the next page, you’ll need to provide information about your WooCommerce store. After filling out all the information, click “Connect.”

Once you create your data source, you can access your WooCommerce data in Google Data Studio.

Essential Metrics For Analyzing WooCommerce Data


Analyzing WooCommerce data involves considering several vital metrics. The first is conversion rate, which measures how many visitors to your site purchase a product. This metric assesses a product’s overall popularity and how well it is selling. Another helpful metric is the average order value, which measures the average amount customers spend purchasing a product. This metric can assess whether customers spend more or less on a particular product. Finally, gross margin measures the difference between the revenue generated by a product and the cost of goods sold. The reason this metric is essential is because it tells you the profitability of a product.

Customer Data

Customer data is another crucial metric to consider when analyzing data for WooCommerce stores. The first customer metric to consider is customer lifetime value, which measures the total amount of money a customer spends on your store over their lifetime. This metric is used to assess the overall profitability of your customer base. Another vital customer metric is the customer churn rate, which measures the percentage of customers who stop doing business with your store over a period of time. This metric assesses the health of your business and helps identify potential areas for improvement.


Inventory data is also an important metric to consider when analyzing data for WooCommerce stores. The first inventory metric to consider is inventory turnover, which measures how often your inventory turns over in a given period. Utilize this metric to assess your inventory management efficiency and identify potential improvement areas. 

Tips for using WooCommerce With Google Data Studio Effectively

When using WooCommerce with Google Data Studio, there are a few things to remember:

1. Verify the accuracy of your data: This is important for any data-driven analysis, but it’s imperative when dealing with eCommerce data. Data analysis requires the cleanest possible data before you can analyze it since eCommerce setups have a lot of potential errors.

2. Use multiple data sources: A great feature of Data Studio is its ability to combine data from different sources. You can use this data to understand your eCommerce business comprehensively. In addition to WooCommerce data, you may want to consider adding data from your payment processor, shipping provider, and other relevant sources.

3. Keep an eye on key metrics: There are a few key metrics that are particularly important for eCommerce businesses, such as conversion rate, average order value, and customer lifetime value. Make sure you’re tracking these metrics and monitoring them closely.

4. Use filters wisely: Filters can be a great way to slice and dice your data in Data Studio, but they can also introduce errors if misused. Be careful not to filter out too much data, or you may have inaccurate results.


If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you know how important it is to track your data and analytics. Using Google Data Studio is an excellent tool for visualizing your data, but it can be tricky to connect the two platforms. We hope this blog post has made it easier for you and that you now understand how to use these two excellent platforms together. 

Connecting Woocommerce to Google Data Studio has many benefits, including seeing important metrics like products, customer data, and inventory levels. Additionally, using both platforms effectively can help you make better decisions for your business.

If you have questions about connecting Woocommerce to Google Data Studio, feel free to let us know!


Q: What is WooCommerce?

A: WooCommerce is a free eCommerce plugin that allows you to sell anything beautifully. Built to integrate seamlessly with WordPress, WooCommerce is the world’s favorite eCommerce solution that gives store owners and developers complete control.

Q: What is Google Data Studio?

A: Using Google Data Studio, you can create easy-to-read, easy-to-share, and fully customizable dashboards and reports. Dashboards give you a snapshot of your data at any given moment, and reports help you dive deeper into it and understand it better.

Q: Why would you want to connect WooCommerce to Google Data Studio?

A: Connecting WooCommerce to Google Data Studio allows you to visualize your data in new and powerful ways. Using Data Studio, you can create reports and dashboards that show precisely what you want to see.  

Q: How do I connect WooCommerce to Google Data Studio?

A: Connecting WooCommerce to Google Data Studio is easy! Just follow these simple steps:

1) Set up your WooCommerce store

2) Install the Google Analytics plugin

3) Set up your Google Analytics account

4) Install the Google Data Studio plugin

5) Set up your Google Data Studio account

Q: What are some essential metrics for analyzing WooCommerce data?

A: There are a few important metrics you’ll want to keep an eye on when analyzing your WooCommerce data:

1) Products – How many products have been sold? Which products are selling the most?

2) Customer Data – Who are your customers? Where do they come from? What do they buy?

3) Inventory – What are your inventory levels looking like? Do you need to order more products?

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